Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pleats with Ruching

I recently made a new heading for draperies and really like the results.  I want to try this again in a solid color ... wouldn't white linen be beautiful with this detail?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nethercutt's Iron Art

Here's a bird
bath that my husband
bought for me for
Christmas. It'll be
right at home
in my garden!

Kris Nethercutt is the
here in
Franklin TN,
who made it.

Some of
his other
work can
be seen
These Muffler Bikers
are found on South Petway Drive.

"Rusty the Factory Worker"
is located at The Factory,
230 Franklin Road.
If you'd like to contact
Kris, he's does beautiful
work and I've seen pictures
of his chandeliers,
custom iron railing,
tables, trellises, etc.